

View advertising details, plus advertising size specifications, audience details and more, in our

Media Kit, here


CONTACT is proud to support the veteran communityGet in touch for a no-obligation consult on reaching CONTACT’s audience – including special advertising rates for veteran-owned businesses.



Brian Hartigan –



CONTACT is an Internet-based publishing house, producing a daily news and entertainment web site and weekly newsletters – all delivered free to our audience.

Our news and infotainment web site, launched in mid 2015, has recorded outstanding growth and audience stats – recording just over 2million page views in 2016  –  2.8million in 2017 –  3.7million in 2018  –  4.1million in 2019  –  5.7million in 2020 – 4.7million in 2021 (unfavourable Facebook algorithm changes) – 5.1million in 2022 – and on track for a record 6million+ in 2023.

We now have two fortnightly newsletters sent to about 12,000 email subscribers on alternate Sundays – i.e. a news-based newsletter one Sunday and an ADF-people-focused newsletter on the following Sunday.

Each product offers a unique opportunity to connect with our audience – and each should be considered carefully.

  • Our web site offers an ‘instant sugar hit’, putting an advertising message into the peripheral vision of our largest audience. Ads are presented on every (new and old) post on our web site and removed at the end of the campaign.
  • We believe our fortnightly newsletters are our most important (and underrated) advertising-carriage platform – delivered directly into the email inboxes of engaged subscribers every Sunday on a fortnightly rotation (‘people’ every second Sunday after 1 October 2023 – and ‘news’ on every other fortnight.



CONTACT has established a reputation over more than 20 years as the best boots-on-the-ground military magazine in Australia.

CONTACT provides advertisers with a range of high-quality outlets to showcase products to an ever-growing niche audience.

CONTACT is already seen as an effective marketing tool by companies with a product to sell directly to an attractive niche market and is ideally placed to assist companies with longer-term strategic aims.

CONTACT is aimed directly at military personnel, former members and civilians with a keen interest in Defence. It is dedicated to presenting photos and stories that capture the essence of serving-members’ lives and interests, as far as possible from an insider’s perspective

We seek to attract quality advertisers to match our high standards of writing, photography and presentation.

Substantial discounts can be gained on long-term bookings – or for veteran-owned businesses. Or, talk to us about very special rates for long-term bookings paid for in advance.

All advertising can be hyperlinked* to the advertiser’s web sites – delivering increased potential for direct and immediate interaction with readers (*see CAUTION at bottom of this page).

Subscribers to CONTACT are opt-in volunteers whose email address is validated, as an anti-spam measure.
See our Media Kit for audience information.



CONTACT welcomes press releases and editorial submissions from any source including advertisers (and non advertisers).

Editorial will be considered for publication on its own merits with some bias in favour of publication given to advertisers.

To be considered for publication, submissions must be relevant to CONTACT and its audience and be consistent with our style, tone and audience level, or – we reserve the right to edit submitted material to conform with our style and tone, and available space.

Submitted material accompanied by high-quality supporting photographs or other illustrative material will be considered more favourably.

In considering material for publication, some preference will be given to current advertisers – but being a current advertiser does not guarantee publication nor confer any ‘right’ to be published.



Our Media Kit lists our current advertising prices.

The effectiveness of an advertising campaign in CONTACT has been recognised by a diverse range of companies, some of whom have supported and relied upon CONTACT for years. Many clients book ‘ongoing’ campaigns – benefiting from further discounts and insulating them against future price rises. Several clients bought one ad as a test, then booked longer campaigns on the back of initial results.

All bookings for advertising in CONTACT are insulated against price rises or other changes as long as the booking remains ‘live’.

An ‘ongoing’ booking remains live until cancelled. An ‘ongoing’ booking indicates a level of commitment and secures larger discounts – but can be cancelled at any time, without penalty, with minimum 30-days notice.


CONTACT web site is updated daily. Traffic to the web site is boosted through Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and LinkedIn as well as through our fortnightly newsletters sent to all subscribers. Web site advertising (and editorial) can be submitted at any time – and usually published within 24 hours (or by arrangement). We also publish news videos on our YouTube channel.

CONTACT ‘news’ newsletter is a fortnightly publication that highlights the best news stories from our web site. It is sent every second Sunday. Inclusion deadline for the newsletter is the Friday before sending.

CONTACT ‘people’ newsletter is a fortnightly publication that highlights ADF-personnel stories from our web site. It is sent every second Sunday alternate to the ‘news’ newsletter. Inclusion deadline for this newsletter is the Friday before sending.


CONTACT seeks to attract quality advertisers to match our high standard of writing, photography and presentation.

If you need help putting together your artwork or need a fresh new look for your ad campaign, we can help. We can quote on any project and are happy to help you through the design process.

When supplying your own artwork

For CONTACT website and newsletter: you may supply art as .jpeg or animated .gif files at 72 or 96 dots per inch.

We can only accept HTML to the (limited) standard that we can read and be comfortable with in terms of viruses and our web-site compatibilities.

We do not accept CSS or any other coding.

Images should not be delivered embedded in Word or any other Microsoft product, or should not be used after being extracted from same

Ad sizes are described in our Media Kit.

When multi-ad newsletter bookings are made, new artwork can be submitted for each insertion without extra charge – however, the onus is on the advertiser to notify the publisher of any desired change and to submit the new artwork before the applicable deadline.

Web site advertisements can be changed or updated at any time.


The publisher reserves the right to alter any of these terms and conditions (above and below) at any time without notice. No variation/deviation from these terms and conditions will be allowed, except by mutual agreement.

MATERIAL DELIVERY – Submitted artwork may be changed at any time before applicable deadlines. In the case of multi-issue bookings, the advertiser may change artwork from one newsletter to the next (at no cost) – but the onus is on the advertiser to notify the publisher of any desired change, and to supply the new artwork before the applicable deadline. The publisher reserves the right to use a customer’s previous art when new art is not received by the applicable deadline. Full charges apply for booked space when material-delivery deadlines are not met, regardless of what art is used to fill the space. Web site advertisements can be changed or updated at any time.

REJECTION – acceptance of an advertising booking does not constitute a guarantee to publish an advertisement. The publisher reserves the right to reject or request alterations to advertisements for any reason, including but not limited to when artwork does not meet our high artistic standards, is ‘flawed’ in any technical respect, is deemed distasteful, offensive or defamatory, contains messages deemed contrary to the goals and aspirations of CONTACT, Contact Publishing Pty Ltd, etc etc.

ENDORSEMENT – Acceptance of an advertisement for publication does not in any way constitute endorsement of a product or service by the publisher and no inference to that effect should be made in the ad or anywhere else.
Advertising with CONTACT entitles an advertiser to truthfully claim, “As advertised with CONTACT” but does not entitle an advertiser to make the claim “As featured in CONTACT“.
We also object to any advertiser advertising with us once only, then claiming “As advertised in CONTACT” for years thereafter.
This is an ethical issue for us and we reserve the right to police it. Violators may find their indiscretion highlighted in editorials etc, with obvious counter-advertising affects. To us, this rule is a ‘no brainer’, but was made necessary through practical experience.

PLACEMENT – the advertiser agrees that the editor has sole discretion in deciding ad placement (except where placement premiums are paid). In deciding ad placement, the editor will give weight to; the artistic quality of the supplied artwork; the size of the ad; first booked better placed; and so on.

CANCELLATION – any booked ad may be cancelled before the booking deadline of the applicable publication (see deadlines above) without cost. Any ad cancelled after the relevant deadline will be invoiced in full. An ‘Ongoing Booking’ secures larger discounts and indicates a level of commitment, but, can be cancelled with 30-days notice without penalty. In a case where a cancelled ad or campaign has already been paid for, a refund may be limited depending on the duration the already ran for. In all cases, the onus to cancel or alter any booking in time to avoid penalty or disadvantage remains with the advertiser.

INDEMNITY – the advertiser warrants that their advertisement, artwork or product does not breach any laws including but not limited to trademark, copyright, privacy, defamation, discrimination, censorship, etc – and indemnifies Contact Publishing Pty Ltd (and all its directors, individual staff, subcontractors, agents etc) from any loss or cost arising from any breach whether deliberate or accidental, known or unknown.
The advertiser indemnifies Contact Publishing Pty Ltd (and all its directors, individual staff, subcontractors, agents etc) from any claim, loss or liability arising (whether directly or indirectly) in connection with the advertisement or the goods or services advertised, from breach of any warranty given or offered, or failure to give or offer such warranty, by the advertiser.
While all care will be taken, the publisher does not accept liability for any loss or damage caused by failure to publish supplied artwork or hyperlinks, or through any other error, omission, inclusion or placement. CONTACT’s liability will be limited to the cost of the individual advertising placement.
The publisher does not accept responsibility, and the advertiser will not hold the publisher liable, for the reproduction quality of ads when artwork is submitted at less than the proscribed technical specifications listed, nor for the reproduction quality of ads as presented on any third-party platform.
The publisher does not warrant that colours can be matched perfectly in any case.

PRICES – the publisher reserves the right to alter prices at any time. However, a customer who has signed a booking agreement will be exempt from such price variations until the current agreement ends. Any break in a ‘current agreement’ will require a new-price negotiation if the advertiser later returns.

AGENCY FEES – Agencies who book advertisements on behalf of their clients must either collect commission/payment for such services from their own client – or, advise CONTACT in advance that we should add their commission to the eventual invoice.
CONTACT’s prices for advertising are agreed to, as far as we are concerned, on a “net-to-us” basis. In other words, when CONTACT quotes $1100 including GST, then CONTACT expects to receive “$1100 net to us” – not $1100 minus agency fees.

PAYMENT – invoices for all advertising will be sent at the commencement of the booking plus either monthly or quarterly thereafter, as agreed at time of booking. Payments are expected within 14 days from invoice date.

CLICK-THROUGH RATES – CONTACT can offer a range of audience statistics on incoming traffic to our platforms. However, we cannot measure outgoing ‘click-through rates’ on individual electronic advertisements. We do not and cannot offer such statistics. Advertisers who wish to measure the effectiveness of any advertisement, must make arrangements to do so on their end.

USE OF BIT.LY (or similar) CLICK-TRACKING LINKS – CONTACT has no objection to advertising customers using or other click-tracking links in advertisements.
However we do offer this CAUTION –– it is our understanding that the Australian Department of Defence (and possibly most if not all government) firewalls block and other URL-shortening and tracking links. CONTACT therefore strongly recommends that advertisers do not use abbreviated or tracking links if their target audience includes current-serving members of the ADF or anyone likely to be protected by high-level firewalls.
CONTACT recommends that advertisers consider their own incoming-traffic-measuring solutions – e.g. landing pages, incoming-traffic-measuring software, promotion codes, discount codes etc.






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