WO2 Courage dies after 30 years service

Warrant Officer Class Two Courage, the Australian Army’s 2nd Cavalry Regiment mascot, passed away last night.

CAPTIONWO2 Courage, with his handler, at a parade to welcome 2nd Cavalry Regiment to 3rd Brigade at Lavarack Barracks, Townsville, on 27 November 2014. Photo by Corporal Jake Sims.

The wedge-tailed eagle has been 2 Cav’s mascot for exactly 30 years.

A post on 2 Cav Regt’s Facebook page this morning said, “It is with a heavy heart we announce the passing of our Regimental mascot, Warrant Officer Class Two Courage”.

“WO2 Courage passed away early this morning, 16 October 2017.”

A tweet from the unit said the regiment was in mourning.

“WO2 Courage passed away last night.

“He carried our Regiment’s motto in his heart.”

Regimental Sergeant Major of the Army WO Don Spinks tweeted, “Vale WO2 Courage – 30 years of loyal and dedicated service at 2 Cav Regt”.

2nd Cavalry Regiment will host a Family Open Day on 28 October and now plan to incorporate a memorial service to officially farewell WO2 Courage.

WO2 Courage celebrated his 30th birthday in August this year, having hatched on 14 August 1987 at Taronga Park Zoo – and was presented to the 2nd Cavalry Regiment on 15 October 1987 – 30 years yesterday!

WO2 Courage was the longest-serving and most senior mascot in the Australian Army.

The badge of 2nd Cavalry Regiment – specialists in battlefield reconnaissance – is the wedge-tailed eagle with its ferocity and incredible visual acuity.

The regiment’s badge shows the wedge-tailed eagle with a lance and pennant – the weapon and symbol of mounted soldiers – signifying its ability to roam over the battlefield, seeking out its prey and striking where necessary.








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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

5 thoughts on “WO2 Courage dies after 30 years service

  • 27/08/2019 at 11:19 am

    I recall I was living in Jordan Lines at 2 Cav the night Courage died in 87 (still have a copy of the special R.O.s that was issued next day. Most Guard Commanders knew the drill that if she died then “place in the ORs Mess freezer in an aggressive position”

  • 22/10/2017 at 7:05 pm

    I’ve had enough of everyone thinking that he died because of old age as that is not the reason of his death Unfortunately courage died was because he accidentally ate a cane toad

  • 22/10/2017 at 10:53 am

    I met WO2 Courage when he was a Coporal when I served from 1982 to 1995.
    I always remembered him.
    Sorry to hear of his passing.

  • 22/10/2017 at 10:27 am

    From memory the conversation between the RSM (pretty sure it was Pedro Rosemont) and the RAEME guard commander went something along these lines…..


  • 22/10/2017 at 9:58 am

    Wedge Tails are magnificent birds the previous Courage (died overnight during a RAEME guard at Holsworthy) was definitely a member of the Regiment went most places with us and didn’t suffer fools lightly although he was busted down the ranks a couple of times for conduct unbecoming. Just a few of his indiscretions over the years were: going AWOL to sow his wild Oats for a few days only to return and sleep it off, Disgracing himself and the regiment by wildly defecating on parade in the presence of the Commander in Chief HRH Prince of Wales (if you’ve ever seen an Eagle relieve itself it is explosive and has a BBDA that would put a Gustav to shame). I think he also took a dislike to Bob Hawke at an opening of Parliament in Canberra, Eagles really don’t have any respect for hawks after all.

    A great symbol of the Regiment and the guys will be feeling it hard but there will be another Trooper Courage coming along soon.


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