King Charles promoted to top ADF ranks

His Majesty King Charles III has been appointed the Honorary Ranks of Admiral of the Fleet of the Royal Australian Navy, Field Marshal of the Australian Army, and Marshal of the Royal Australian Air Force, by the Governor-General of Australia.

FILE PHOTO (6 May 2023): Royal Australian Air Force Corporal Tegan Ross from Australia’s Federation Guard with representatives from Commonwealth countries escort the Gold State Coach during the Procession following the Coronation of King Charles III. Photo by Sergeant Andrew Sleeman.

The Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief of the Australian Defence Force, Her Excellency the Honourable Sam Mostyn said His Majesty’s appointments were an important symbol of connection, stability and strength.

“Australians share His Majesty’s pride in the ADF, its sailors, soldiers and aviators and the loved ones who support them,” the Governor-General said.

Chief of the Defence Force Admiral David Johnston said His Majesty’s Honorary Ranks reflected Australia’s close relationship with reigning monarchs.

“The Sovereign serves as an example of service, and His Majesty’s appointments are symbolic of the Royal Family’s longstanding dedication and relationship with the nation,” Admiral Johnston said.

“Since Australian Federation in 1901, Australia’s military forces have been custodians of great traditions connected to the Commonwealth, and 123 years later the Australian Defence Force is proud to continue this legacy.”

The Australian Defence Force has a proud affiliation with His Majesty, since 1977 where he first held the title of Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Australian Armoured Corps.

In 1911, the then Commonwealth Naval Forces was granted the title ‘Royal Australian Navy’ by King George V and His Majesty’s Australian Ship (HMAS) was authorised for use, and to this day, all commissioned Royal Australian Navy vessels* and establishments use this title.

To mark this historical connection, His Majesty accompanied by Her Majesty will participate in a Fleet Review on Sydney Harbour during the October 2024 visit to Australia, where HMA Ships Hobart, Warramunga, Arunta, Gascoyne, and Yarra will be anchored.

As part of the Fleet Review, Australian Defence Force aircraft will also conduct a fly-past.

The King and Queen will also visit the Australian War Memorial and Parliament House in Canberra before the Fleet Review.



*EDITOR’S NOTE: The Royal Australian Navy did not use HMAS when commissioning its new fleet of Cape-class patrol boats – the ones that replaced the much smaller Armidale-class boats that did carry the HMAS honour – and without explanation. Also, CONTACT has long noted that Australia’s air force has a deliberate and long-standing ‘branding policy’ to not use Royal Australian in its title. Perhaps they’ll both reconsider their stealth republicanism, now that the CDF has reaffirmed the ADF’s pride in Royal connections.





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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

4 thoughts on “King Charles promoted to top ADF ranks

  • 20/10/2024 at 4:27 pm

    Why give him the top honours? He’s not served a day in the ADF!

  • 20/10/2024 at 11:38 am

    Dumb editorial comment shows no understanding of the current RAN.

    • 20/10/2024 at 11:41 am

      Please explain, so I may be edumicated

  • 20/10/2024 at 9:44 am

    finally someone has some smarts about them and is not trying to demolish a tradition down under.


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