Kiwis send largest contingent to Pitch Black 24

Australia’s friends from across the ditch have sent their largest contingent to the Royal Australian Air Force’s largest international exercise.

CAPTIONFrom left, a Royal Air Force corporal, Royal Australian Air Force Leading Aircraftman Benjamin Selwood, Royal New Zealand Air Force Corporal Rikki Rawleigh and Patrol Dog McClane patrol the apron at RAAF Base Darwin during Exercise Pitch Black 24. Story by Flight Lieutenant Imogen Lunny. Photos by Leading Aircraftwoman Maddison Scott.

The New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) has deployed 65 personnel to Exercise Pitch Black 24.

Combat support teams are working alongside Australian and other embedded participants across RAAF Bases Darwin and Amberley.

Ground equipment technicians, air movers, refuellers, firefighters, military working dog handlers and photographers are some of the trades working in an unfamiliar environment and in collaboration with foreign forces.

NZDF Detachment Commander Wing Commander Andy Armstrong said he was proud to see first-hand New Zealand members integrating quickly into teams and setting a professional standard across the board.

“There are a lot of positive outcomes when we work together under exercise conditions,” Wing Commander Armstrong said.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing our people putting their best foot forward and stepping up to the task.

“The exercise provides a great opportunity to consider our interoperability and how we are working with our Australian counterparts.

“Being our closest strategic partner in the south-west Pacific, it is important that we are cohesive as a team, and that is embedded within our Anzac spirit as well.”

Photographer and first-time Pitch Black participant, Royal New Zealand Air Force Corporal Rachel Pugh, was grateful for the opportunity to work with her Aussie counterparts.

“It’s been a privilege to observe how our Australian colleagues operate,” Corporal Pugh said.

“I’m looking forward to taking home some of these practices to implement in my own photography.”

Exercise Pitch Black comprises 20 participating nations from around the world.

The biannual exercise provides an environment for training and integration that directly enhances participants’ ability to support operations in the Indo-Pacific.





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