Ridiculous reporting on 3RAR training/news video

Daily Mail Australia newspaper published a ludicrous story this week headlined – “Outrage as the Australian Army releases a chilling recruitment ad showing soldiers attacking ‘civilians’ rather than foreign enemies“.

CAPTION: Australian Army soldiers from 3rd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment and 1st Military Police Battalion defend against role players as part of a Populations Protection Control course at Lavarack Barracks in Townsville, Queensland. Photo by Bombardier Guy Sadler.

The newspaper’s headline justified with the sub head – “Commenter compares it to anti-lockdown protests in pandemic“.

The newspaper report said “A new Australian Army recruitment advertisement has sparked outrage for showing soldiers engaged in a battle with ‘civilians’ rather than foreign combatants.

“The ad opens with soldiers wearing visors and carrying riot shields rushing to a stand off with people wearing casual outfits, but some of whom have military backpacks” [though the video clearly shows most of the ‘civilians’ wearing military chest webbing].

“The ad is titled ‘Population Protection Control training’, but a commenter under the video said what they’re doing should be called ‘riot-control training’ [we actually agree with this line – Defence regularly shoots itself in the foot trying to make things sound more innocuous].

“‘Hopefully you guys don’t employ these tactics next time there’s a peaceful protest in Melbourne’, they said, referring to anti-lockdown protests during the pandemic [which were exclusively handled by police].

“In the clip, as soldiers crouch behind their shields they’re pelted with bricks, then a soldier with a German shepherd dog on a leash orders the protestors to ‘Move back’.

“The dog, who is wearing a military vest, salivates at what’s happening and later bites into the arm of a protestor who [just happens to be] protected by heavy padding.

“Amid dramatic music, the soldiers move forward on the protestors, who continue to pelt them with bricks, while one attacks the officers with a baton.

“As the intensity of the pounding music builds, the soldiers come under fierce attack by kicks, batons and having a huge tractor wheel [actually two small-ish truck tyres, which anyone who actually watched the video and knew the difference between a truck and a tractor or a tyre and a wheel would have easily identified] rolled into them.

“The soldiers eventually prevail, though one of the protestors then uses a loudhailer to say ‘They can’t take us all,’ to laughter from those around him.

“The ad, filmed at Lavarack Barracks, Townsville, Queensland includes soldiers from the 3rd Battalion of the Royal Australian Regiment and the 1st Military Police Battalion.

“The Australian Defence Force denied it provides training to soldiers to suppress domestic protests when asked by Daily Mail Australia.

“Population Protection Control employs non-lethal techniques to assist soldiers responding to large or aggressive crowds in situations of civil unrest while on overseas deployments,”a Defence spokesperson said.

“This includes peacekeeping operations where soldiers may be faced with large crowds at food distribution points or evacuation operations where soldiers are required to hold the security of perimeters in the face of desperate crowds.”

“The department added that the training tested their ability to cope with what the ‘realistic, high-pressure scenarios, preparing them for stability operations and ensuring the Brigade remains a capable and ready force’.

“But [not to let the truth get in the way of a shite story, the newspaper continued…] many commenters were concerned at what the advertisement portrayed.

“‘Let’s not kid ourselves this isn’t about ‘protection’ but about ‘Control’ we haven’t forgot what happened during 2020 & 2021,’ said one [who couldn’t cite a single incident where military riot control was used – because domestic riots are handled by relevant State police forces].

“Another wrote: ‘Take out the protection and you have the real meaning of this.’ [because he obviously knows]

“A third added that this is what happens ‘when the govt is afraid of their own citizens’. [god help us!]

“There were some commenters however who voiced their support for the ad. [ooh, a fair and balanced ending…]

“One commenter who claimed to have participated in similar training with the Australian Army also gave his take on the situation.

“‘When we did it prior to the Sydney Olympics, we were dealing with Molotov Cocktails being thrown at us and a bunch of other stuff,’ the person said.

“‘Would have loved just to get rocks and the occasional tyre’.”

CONTACT’s favourite comment on the Daily Mail Australia post was “To be fair one of the rioters had Parramatta footy shorts on”.

If CONTACT supporters comment below in support of 3RAR and its training, then we can justify our own headline.






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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

22 thoughts on “Ridiculous reporting on 3RAR training/news video

  • 14/03/2023 at 10:30 am

    The ADF has been doing this training for years, it is nothing new. My perspective is that of a Sailor, but I have worked closely with the Army and deployed on the ground in the Middle East and a combat role in Iraq 2003. The RAN, when alongside foreign ports have used this training in case the local population’s mood changes with our presents and they need to fend off a crowd so the ship can put to sea. To prepare we use to practice on a regular basis. The training has nothing to do with using the ADF against Australian citizens, but you have to use fellow Aussies as OPFOR because it is not good optics to ask another country to send over 50 of their own citizens to pelt rocks and bottles at the ADF members (now I am sure there are a few that would happily agree to said request). As others have pointed out, civilian control is a State Police responsibility. That being said, our bases are Commonwealth property. So, it is possible that ADF members at high profile bases could be called upon to defend personnel and infrastructure in case of civilian unrest. I have read peoples comments in this comment section about ‘woke leftist’ but there is a radical far right movement growing in Australia who are more likely to stir the pot than some chia latte armond milk sipping greenie out of Brunswick!

    And remember, the Daily Mail is a Tabloid that uses click bait as a way of gaining revenue like old print tabloids used catchy headlines to get people to buy papers.

  • 13/03/2023 at 5:30 pm

    Taking into account the way Australia is being dragged into poverty by the Looney Left, I feel that this training is essential. It will more then likely be used sooner then latter, if the Looney Left and the wanking wok’s keep going the way they are. The people I know are doing it really hard and some are not using electricity except to cook and wash. Lights are out as well as t.v, and other power wasting appliances. These people are Blue collar workers who would normally be carrying this Great Country but have become disillusioned with the Politics of the nation. Tell me how it will never happen, and then we can forget about the Lies that the Politicians have been grinding out over the past 10 years or so.

  • 12/03/2023 at 10:37 pm

    What’s lacking here is the context in which The Daily Mail has seen fit to publish this story in the first place. Once that is established, you, or we can then apply our own evaluation of just how “ludicrous” or “ridiculous” their suggested possible scenario is. If you’re unaware, the ‘Defence Amendment, ( Call Out of the Australian Defence Force ) Bill 2018 [ Provisions ]’, which amends the ‘Defence Act 1903’, allows/legislates the ADF to be deployed domestically against the Australian civilian population for reasons that are both ill-defined, and broadly enforceable up to and including with the use of deadly force. I think it’s quite reasonable to conclude that the ADF would then provide training for such a contingency, as it surely must all others within its remit. Where the likes of The Daily Mail seek to sensationalise the issue, is not without grounds either, and hinges upon the language used throughout the Bill and the subsequent debate that it caused. If you’re so inclined, you can read it for yourself on the Parliament of Australia website under Bills Digests, or in short accept that, yes the ADF can in fact be called upon to “attack civilians rather than foreign enemies”, ( along with apprehending, detaining, searching and interrogating, etc., etc. ). Make of that what you will.

    • 12/03/2023 at 10:51 pm

      You are actually right, Simon. I’ve been doing some reading over the past few evenings and what I read is quite disturbing, especially in light of this article and discussion.

      • 13/03/2023 at 12:03 pm

        “Military Aid to the Civil Authority” (MACA) or “Aid to the Civil Power” is a concept dating back to the British Empire or earlier and is common throughout most of the former colonies. It was necessary because both colonists and indigenous people usually had it pretty tough and being governed and taxed by British bureaucrats and royalty led many subjects / convicts / slaves to protest / riot / attempt to gain independence.

        It is well legislated and there are processes and procedures, but it remains controversial because it allows a government to direct the ADF to use lethal force against Australian citizens if deemed necessary. To my knowledge it has never been necessary in Australia, at least not since Federation.

        There is a good overview of the law online at:

      • 13/03/2023 at 4:46 pm

        Dear Editor.
        I agree with you this is a deeply disturbing development in the Ethos of the A.D.F.

        The expectation that the A.D.F. could be used AGAINST the Australian Population is proof that the A.D.F. as a ”Inter-operable” and subservient part of the U.S. Military since 1965, has lost it’s True Purpose and Moral Compass.

        The concept of ”Mission Creep” as a U.S. Ally, has now expanded to ”Morality Creep”
        To quote the U.S. Enlistment Oath, (in part) . . . ”against all enemies, foreign and domestic”.
        That phrase goes against everything I understood an Australian Soldier stands for, but IT IS the Sacred Oath of our Senior Partner and sole arbiter of Australian Strategic and Military Policies.

        I now understand why people would be concerned the A.D.F. is no better than the U.S. Army, in purpose or Morality.
        Kent State University Massacre anyone?

        I’ve I had been ordered to confront Australian Citizens, that’s the point I’d hand in my weapon, tell them to stick it up their *rse, and wait to be taken to the Cells.

        I was prepared and ready to die or worse to defend Australia, but to go up against fellow Australians?
        Like Hell!



  • 12/03/2023 at 6:17 pm

    G’day Pete.
    Thanks for asking.

    Using hypothetical arguments is often a useless waste of time but I’ll attempt to reply to you.
    Let’s just substitute ‘Enoggera” for ”an Overseas base”, and remove any inherent Racism.

    I don’t know your background, but perhaps this is familiar?
    ”The role of infantry is to seek out and close with the enemy, to kill or capture him, to seize and hold ground and to repel attack by day or night, regardless of season, weather or terrain”.

    That’s the (only) Job I signed on for, and was expected to fulfill to the point of Death or being Maimed.

    So yeah, call the Cops!



    • 12/03/2023 at 10:41 pm

      Well guess what mate, times have changed and we have added to our arsenal of what we actually do.

  • 12/03/2023 at 6:03 pm

    I cannot see a problem here, they must train for all scenarios. Well done 3RAR.
    Simple answer, don,t Riot and you will be OK. Choices.????????????

  • 12/03/2023 at 5:56 pm

    I believe this type of training is totally required. Australia is playing a larger role in world affairs. So training of this sort is required. If our soldiers are trained then they are prepared. Reducing the risk of injury and death to both sides. I was a grunt back in the 1980’s Before being deployed to Butterworth Airbase Malaysia, We also had riot control training. but nothing as controlled or dare I say, in a defencive manner as was displayed in the video. Malaysia had a communist threat at that time. Our training was creating quick and effective road blocks utilising lethal force to prevent escaping vehicles or forming the old British Square where we had a front rank and second rank with individual soldiers given a target indication and given an order to shoot the identified person! So from my perspective This training is an excellent upgrade from the lethal force I was expected to use.

  • 12/03/2023 at 5:16 pm

    At the height of the Vietnam war in 1968/69, civilian protesters turn out in mass and conducted a moratorium down Pulteney street, Adelaide. The OC of 3rd/9th SAMR (CMF Unit) based back then in Thomas Street, Unley, ordered unit members not to march down to Pulteney Street and confront the civilians. So we didn’t. As things turned out SAPOL intervened and the impetus of the demonstration petered out eventually. The point – police took care of the disturbance! In 1973, a group of soldiers having a quiet beer at a local pub in Sydney, were set upon by civilians. The CO of SME (School of Military Engineering) ordered unit members not to drive into Sydney to assist our brother-in- arms, so we didn’t. Local Kings Cross police responded and quelled the ruckus, making a number of arrests. Yes a number of soldiers were injured. Again the point – police took care of the disturbance. Let our military personnel focus on their main job, to protect and deter an enemy! Let our competent police force do their job, to maintain public order and safety, to enforce the law and prevent, detect, and investigate criminal activity!

  • 12/03/2023 at 11:40 am

    God bless 3RAR and all our defence personnel. I am a conservative sided Chaplain, and it saddens me to read comments from misinformed people who want to do nothing but attack the training that our defence force has to undertake for the many theaters it is deployed to around the world.
    To believe that our soldiers, who enlisted to ensure we keep the freedoms we enjoy, are there to be used on shore against our own citizens would make our veterans and diggers shudder in their graves that the people who they fought and died for think so poorly of our institution of defence forces. Surely, kiddies playing in the sandpit are more intelligent and patriotic than those who reposted this video on different platforms only to get likes and instill fear. What is more sickening is that those spreading the misinformation about our military portray themselves as rightwing or conservative leaning. Show some respect and use some CDF.

    • 12/03/2023 at 1:40 pm

      This training has nothing to do or about using the Army against our own civilians
      We have a police force for that.
      The Infantry are deployed in peace keeping roles as we seen in in countries where law and order has broken down and mobs take over under the guise of demonstrations for freedom ect.
      We were trained in population control back in the early 60’s.We had a Batallion stationed in Malaya and there was always a chance of being involved in civilian unrest.As there is a few hot spots in our general area it’s not unlikely a force could be deployed to settle civilian unrest.An untrained Military force dealing with such confrontation could lead to disaster on both sides.
      Ex Grunt ARA (Vietnam)

  • 11/03/2023 at 1:45 pm

    DACP has been an option for the Government of the day for decades. Nothing new to see here.

  • 11/03/2023 at 1:43 pm

    ‘The Guardian’, you say.
    Enough said.
    Hypothetically, if 10,000 anti vax loons tried to riot American style I would hope that my ADF could cope with it.
    With respect to actual humanitarian ops, I think that such training has proved very beneficial. A prime example being the evacuation of Kabul Airport.
    People, don’t overthink every defence announcement you hear or you may create your very own delusional conspiracy theory.

    • 11/03/2023 at 7:18 pm

      Jesus Phil!
      You could have at least read the article before posting this spray.
      Let’s drill down into your ”thought’ just a little.

      QUOTE. ”‘The Guardian’, you say” END QUOTE
      NO Phil he DID NOT say The Guardian, it’s the Daily Mail!

      QUOTE. ”Hypothetically, if 10,000 anti vax loons tried to riot American style I would hope that my ADF could cope with it.” END QUOTE
      In Reality, (Australia), we HAVE had ”10,000 anti vax loons” protest in Australia, across the Country, larger and repeatedly!.
      Surprisingly they were Australians.
      Not Zulu’s, or Germans or even Americans.
      It was handled professionally, safely, effectively and correctly by the relevant State Police.
      There was no need to call out the Grunts.
      This is AUSTRALIA!!!!!

      QUOTE. ”With respect to actual humanitarian ops, I think that such training has proved very beneficial. A prime example being the evacuation of Kabul Airport.” END QUOTE.
      You think? Kabul Airport. Really?
      Phil, it was a full tilt Combat shit-fight.
      R.P.G’s, Machine Gun fire, Rifle Fire, Grenade attacks, Car Bombs.
      17(?) U.S. Military K.I.A. doesn’t sound like a ”humanitarian” OP to me.
      Do you really think 1 RAR was there with Shields and Batons? Really?
      Or do you think they were there with full Combat gear?
      Go on, have a guess which one is correct.

      QUOTE. ”you may create your very own delusional conspiracy theory”. END QUOTE.
      I think you should take your advice on this Phil.
      Mouthing off with preconceived, ill researched, fantastical, biased opinions would indeed seem to be the basis of ”your very own delusional conspiracy theory”.

      Poor effort Phil.


  • 10/03/2023 at 11:11 pm

    Unfortunately, this training shows just how far the A.D.F. has strayed from it’s ONLY Role and Purpose.
    To DEFEND Australia.

    The ONLY correct body for Foreign Government mandated Population control is the A.F.P., not the bloody Infantry!
    If we wouldn’t deploy Grunts against Civilians in Australia, why is it suddenly acceptable if they’re foreigners?
    It’s like bringing Bikies into a Kindergarten!
    This is the training of an INVADING Army, certainly NOT of a Liberating Army, and in no way of an Australian DEFENCE Force

    We are America’s bitch in it’s foreign Wars by constantly co-invading the 3rd World, and training to suppress a Hostile local populace is the proof of it.
    That is, unless the Daily Mail is correct, and it really is for us?

    We are NOT defending Australia by invading or killing Vietnamese, Iraqi’s, Syrians, Afghans or Russians.
    NONE of those Nations or peoples are, or ever have been, a threat to Australia’s Defence or Security.
    Certainly NONE of those actions could ever be considered a JUST WAR.

    We do these things ONLY for U.S. Foreign and Domestic Policy.
    NEVER to our benefit, and ALWAYS to our great cost in Blood and Treasure.

    These actions have, and will continue to make us, hated and reviled throughout the Global South, and rightly so.
    We are judged and found wanting.
    We are on the wrong side of History, and Morality.


    • 12/03/2023 at 5:07 pm

      Just so that I understand your comment, instead of using grunts against civilians we should call in FedPol?.
      So we have the situation where our Army blokes are deployed overseas comfortably ensconced on a military base, a large group of civilians commence to riot and attempt to access the location where the troops are so the immediate reaction is to call in Fed Pol, the first issue is that an immediate response is required, second issue is that FedPol probably have no jurisdiction in that location and I won’t worry about completing the rest.

      • 12/03/2023 at 6:18 pm

        G’day Peter J.
        Thanks for asking.

        Using hypothetical arguments is often a useless waste of time but I’ll attempt to reply to you.
        Let’s just substitute ‘Enoggera” for ”an Overseas base”, and remove any inherent Racism.

        I don’t know your background, but perhaps this is familiar?
        ”The role of infantry is to seek out and close with the enemy, to kill or capture him, to seize and hold ground and to repel attack by day or night, regardless of season, weather or terrain”.

        That’s the (only) Job I signed on for, and was expected to fulfill to the point of Death or being Maimed.

        So yeah, call the Cops!




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