Near disaster in your editor’s wood-working shed

Frustrated on the computer, I went out to the workshop to do something – anything – to make me feel better.

I had a new set of wood-turning tools to test drive – and a log I picked up during a ‘walk with the Boyz’ beckoned.

So I unclipped the lathe on the French-cleat wall and set about making some wood chips.

Almost straight away, things started to go wrong.

Spoiler alert – I’m still alive.

But it could have been worse 😉


Make-n-Do is the CONTACT Editor’s personal ‘playlist’ on the CONTACT YouTube Channel, where the philosophy is making do with the tools and materiel I have and making and doing as an escape from the computer (though, ironically, the video editing then ties me to the computer for almost as many hours as I spent Make-n-Do in the shed in the first place ? )


Also on the CONTACT YouTube Channel





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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

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