7 Wing AAFC exercise Freedom of Entry to Perth

Almost 500 Australian Air Force Cadets and staff marched through Perth today with “swords drawn, drums beating, colours flying and band playing” during a Freedom of Entry parade to recognise 75 years of youth development service.

CAPTION: Cadets and instructors of 7 Wing Australian Air Force Cadets form up at Langley Park before their Freedom of Entry parade in Perth. Photo taken from 7 Wing’s Facebook page and edited by CONTACT.

The Freedom of Entry privilege acknowledges the Air Force Cadets ongoing support for the City of Perth, including the annual Anzac Day parade and other ceremonial events, as well as its considerable service to young people.

Cadets and staff were stopped on their march to Council House by Police Superintendent Kim Massam who, in keeping with tradition, requested No 7 Wing show their authority to enter the city.

Governor of Western Australia Kerry Sanderson, WA Premier Colin Barnett, Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi plus Federal and State politicians and other dignitaries also attended.

contact_free_boxesUnfortunately and regrettably, no other detail of the actual parade, nor any quotes from presumably proud participating cadets, staff or parents were promulgated by Defence – but they did take the opportunity to distribute the following ‘advertisement’ on the benefits of Cadet membership.

Wing Commander (AAFC) Andrew Shearman, Officer Commanding of No 7 Wing, said a high number of current Australian Air Force personnel developed their interest in aviation as cadets, and many public figures ignited their involvement in community affairs through service in the Air Force Cadets, which continues to be fully supported by the Royal Australian Air Force.

“The Australian Air Force Cadets is one of the most dynamic, effective and satisfying youth programs available, and is open to young people aged 13-20 years,” Wing Commander Shearman said.

He said Air Force Cadets get to do things that most other young people only watch on television.

“This includes learning to fly aircraft solo while still in their mid-teens, using civilian and military rifles under supervision, going bush wearing camouflage uniform, operating military radios, using field signals, learning cooking and survival skills; as well as enjoying interstate and international travel.  They also study aeronautics, navigation, meteorology and radio communications, first aid and music.”

Involvement in the Air Force Cadets can generate credits for the Year 12 Certificate of Education.  Cadets may also undertake three weeks per year full-time tertiary-level training in leadership, decision-making, initiative, self-discipline, time-management, clear thinking, public speaking, management and administration that will qualify them for a TAFE Certificate III in Business Management.




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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

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