Digging Up Bones


In early June of 1966 The USS Barb SSN 596 made a recreational visit to Singapore.

While at sea I had passed my qualification requirements.

While this was my second boat to qualify on, the ritual remained the same.

In high and rowdy spirits we found a recommended establishment and went straight to the bar.

We requested the bar pail and filled it with a shot everything to be found plus a couple of beers.

My dolphins were removed and dropped into the pail to be retrieved by tipping said pail and retrieving my dolphins in my teeth while the contents poured down my throat and both sides of my face soaking my jumper.

Before I could begin, a rowdy bunch of sailors from the HMAS VAMPIRE burst in and demanded to know what we were doing in their bar.

Once our mission was explained and approved they proceeded to climb up on the bar.

Head tipped back, I drank my dolphins while watching a performance of the Dance of the Flamin Arsholes.

Once my dolphins were repined, we spent the rest of the evening drinking beer and telling tall tails until the VAMPIRE MP’s rounded up their crew and herded them back to the ship.

Thanks for the memories mates.
David Beck FTG2 SS





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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

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