Soldiers sharpen firepower skills

Soldiers from across the 2nd (Australian) Division completed the direct fire support weapons training course at Cultana Training Area in September.

CAPTIONSoldiers fire a Javelin weapon system during the Direct Fire Support Weapons course. Story by Captain Adrienne Goode. Photo by Sergeant Peng Zhang.

Run by 10th/27th Battalion, the Royal South Australia Regiment (10/27RSAR), it followed the reintroduction of support company capabilities to Reserve infantry battalions this year.

Participants used a range of support weapons, including mortars, machine guns and anti-tank systems, such as the Javelin.

Colonel Michael Kearns said bringing support company capabilities into the division was important.

“It was the first time some part-time soldiers had fired Javelins, with the honour going to the two best-performing trainees at the end of the course,” he said.

“Seeing two rockets fired hit the target is a great outcome.”

CAPTION: Soldiers from the 2nd (Australian) Division move to a position to conduct sustained fire machine gun training. Photo by Private Cassandra MacLeod.

Commanding Officer 10/27RSAR Lieutenant Colonel Aaron Jackson said it was a great opportunity for his unit to host the course.

“This course will provide capability not just for our unit, but across the 2nd (Australian) Division,” Lieutenant Colonel Jackson said.

Commander of the 9th Brigade, Brigadier Tim Orders, said he was eager for the opportunity to leverage some of the capabilities in South Australia.

“This training provides significant capability uplift to the 9th Brigade and allows us to leverage the equipment and capability we have as an integrated brigade,” Brigadier Orders said.

CAPTIONAustralian Army soldiers from 2nd (Australian) Division during the direct-fire support weapons training in Cultana training area, South Australia. Photo by Sergeant Peng Zhang.





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