Shaping future leaders of Defence

It may seem a world away, but NATO and the Swiss Armed Forces are playing a role in helping develop the leadership capability of Air Force here in Australia.

CAPTION: Sergeant Edward Goldner (second from left) was joined by others from the Switzerland Armed Forces and the British, Irish and Moldovian Armies during the NATO Intermediate Leadership Course in Switzerland. Story by John Noble. Photo by Warrant Officer Class 2 Samantha Crowe.

Medical Technician from 2 Expeditionary Health Squadron Detachment RAAF Edinburgh Sergeant Edward Goldner recently completed the prestigious Non Commissioned Officer (NCO) Intermediate Leadership Course as part of NATO’s Partnership for Peace Programme (PfP) in Switzerland.

“It was a real privilege to even be considered for the position, let alone be accepted,” Sergeant Goldner said.

The opportunity was invaluable for his leadership development and he could pass on what he has learnt to other colleagues in Air Force.

“There were two main takeaways for me – leadership and communication. Leadership is not easy and we need to be adaptable to the environment and our team,” Sergeant Goldner said.

“This course has given me additional tools and reinforced a few old ones to enhance the way I lead my team, execute the mission and convey my commander’s intent.

“Good communication is and will always be crucial in the work place, ensuring job satisfaction, morale and goals are all being achieved. Done poorly, everything turns pear-shaped and the mission and job satisfaction falls away.

“The course challenged my skills, not just verbally but my non-verbal cues, and I quickly learnt things that you do may come across as insulting, confusing or suspicious to another country or culture.”

The NCO Intermediate Leadership Course occurs only twice a year and offered to the 31 countries of NATO, 19 countries of the PfP and other partnering countries like Australia and New Zealand.

Sergeant Goldner said the course has direct relevance for Australia’s defence interests.

“It is a program set up to build peaceful relationships with NATO countries and their surrounding non-NATO countries – a similar concept that Australia has with our Pacific neighbours,” he said.

“Australia’s interests lies in the protection of our economic connection with the world and maintenance of the rules-based global order, something that underpins NATO’s and PfP principles.

“Our region, the Indo-Pacific, is facing increased tensions between established and emerging super power nations and Australia must continue to work closely with all its Allies, no matter their geographical location, to achieve balance and stability in our part of the world.

“All I need to do now is convince Air Force to allow me to return to Switzerland to complete the Advanced Leadership course.”





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