Space Age Angels
You ask this old soldier where I’ve been
Oh, to see the space age medics and their teams
So many who carry the sacred lamp
No matter icy snow, heavy rain, fierce sun or terrible damp
Never a frown and at worse, a brave weary smile
Comforting, caring and at times “just wait a while”
Their courage continues to grow with the bright spirit of our nation
Fuelled with devotion by each proud Florence generation
Now etched in granite are deeds in peace and war
So readily visible in today’s bright light as times before
No matter crowded city, town or even cruel distant outback
Always to be seen is the light of hope on any track
Fair dinkum my heart pounds with national pride to this very day
Thus, some final true blue words and then I‘m on my way
As I bid farewell, I can say to you all
My smartest salute is the final call
“Hooroo, good luck, keep smiling bright”
May your precious lamp be ever glowing with powerful light
Luv ya all
By George Mansford
©October 2021
FILE PHOTO (2003): Australian Army Sergeant Tarese Heath (operating ventilator) and US colleagues transfer a wounded patient from a medical evacuation helicopter to the Emergency Department of the Air Force Theater Hospital at Balad, Iraq. Photo by Major Patricia Anderson, US Army.