Women’s leadership on agenda

A group of female Air Force officers had the opportunity while deployed on Exercise Arnhem Thunder to discuss women’s leadership with the Administrator of the Northern Territory, Vicki O’Halloran.

CAPTION: Administrator of the Northern Territory Vicki O’Halloran, front, centre, with Exercise Arnhem Thunder 21 participants and members of Marine Rotational Force – Darwin at Government House in Darwin. Story by Flight Lieutenant Robert Cochran. Photo by Leading Aircraftman Stewart Gould.

The June 3 visit was organised by the personnel capability officer of No. 1 Squadron, Flight Lieutenant Tanya Carter.

Flight Lieutenant Carter, along with seven other female Air Force officers on the exercise held in the Northern Territory and three female officers from Marine Rotational Force – Darwin met with Ms O’Halloran at Government House in Darwin.

The women talked about leadership issues, shared their experiences and expanded their professional networks.

“It was a great pleasure for me to host a group of impressive leaders of the Royal Australian Air Force together with three members of the United States Marine Corps at Government House today,” Ms O’Halloran said.

“We shared stories and agreed it was important to support each other on our career and life journeys.

“These remarkable individuals are focused professionals we can all be very proud of.”

As one of Air Force’s largest domestic training exercises for 2021, Arnhem Thunder provided Air Force with important force generation training focused on high-end collective training.





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