United States – a posting like no other

When Chief Petty Officer John Bywater posted to Florida in the US last year, he knew it would be an opportunity unlike any other.
CAPTION: Chief Petty Officer John Bywater, second from left, with South East Regional Maintenance Centre service personnel alongside the gas turbine shop trainer engine at the Naval Station in Mayport, Florida.
As the dedicated gas turbine inspector for the South Regional Maintenance Centre at the Naval Station in Mayport, Chief Petty Officer Bywater is responsible for inspections on various US Navy platforms undertaking maintenance.
It is his second year into the posting, which also included a brief stint in the gas turbine workshop before completing the Marine Gas Turbine Inspector Course.
“This course increased my intermediate-level maintenance knowledge by conducting intrusive maintenance tasks such as compressor rolls, blade changes and engine change outs,” Chief Petty Officer Bywater said.
His role is to consolidate the intricate engine information learnt on course through a variety of inspections, troubleshooting and the maintenance tasks frequently conducted.
He said the role provided an exciting and professional working environment based on mateship, reliability and loyalty.
Although the global pandemic has meant doing things a bit differently, Chief Petty Officer Bywater said it was still a great experience.
“I thoroughly enjoy the camaraderie of the US Navy overseas posting and I highly recommend personnel to apply for this challenging and rewarding ambassador position,” he said.
