CONTACT tops 5MILLION page views

It happened in the middle of the night – sometime between midnight and 1am, to be exact – the CONTACT web site passed the 5,000,000 page-views milestone!!!

And that’s just since 1 January this year.

Thank you, the CONTACT audience for all your interest and support thus far in 2020.

But it’s not over yet.

With 44 days left in this otherwise miserable year, and with our current average above 12,000 page views per day, we should easily hit 5.5million page views for the calendar year.

We must be doing something right (if only we could bottle it 😉 ).

We though 2019 was a big one, at 4.2 million page views!

If you’d like to help us smash the crap out of last year’s record, all you have to do is browse one or two extra pages each time you visit – follow a link or two – check out our growing Blog Spot (maybe even contribute yourself).

You can also search (using the ‘magnifying glass’ in main menu (only works on our homepage)) our web site for past stories – there are more than 3200 news posts on here now.

We even have a videos section that catalogues news items, blogs and vlogs that contain embedded videos – hours of entertainment in that!

There’s even a section on “How CONTACT magazine is made” – which reminds me, the next issue is due out on 1 December (make sure you are subscribed) ––– so I better get back to it!!!!


Thanks again for all your support.










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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

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