HMAS Adelaide helps Singapore pilots with deck-landing quals
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HMAS Adelaide has provided an at-sea platform for Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) CH-47 heavy-lift helicopter crews to requalify in deck landings and take-offs off the coast of Queensland.
CAPTION: A Republic of Singapore Air Force CH-47 Chinook helicopter approaches for landing on-board HMAS Adelaide off the north-Queensland coast. Photo by Able Seaman Sittichai Sakonpoonpol.
The RSAF CH-47 crews, permanently based at Oakey in Queensland, spent two days flying from Townsville to HMAS Adelaide at sea to undertake the Deck Landing Qualifications.
During the flights, the Singaporean helicopter crews communicated with the Australian warship’s flight control room and were guided by Australian sailors on the flight deck.
The joint activity was the product of senior naval leader-to-leader talks.
It also coincided with the 30-year anniversary of the Singapore Armed Forces commencing training in Australia.
Earlier this year, RSAF helicopters and 42 personnel supported Australia’s bushfire-fighting efforts in Australia’s south-east, basing themselves out of RAAF Base East Sale.
The recent at-sea training activity therefore nicely underscored Australia’s and Singapore’s close military-to-military working relationship.

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