What is the Veteran H.E.L.P. Centre in Kiama

FOUNDERS’ UPDATE: Charity career ends the same day it began.
It could have been so good…
In partnership with national military-veteran charity Soldier On, I am opening a Veteran H.E.L.P. Centre in Kiama, NSW – which I will manage as a Soldier On volunteer.
H.E.L.P. is a Soldier On acronym meaning Health and wellbeing services, Employment support, Learning opportunities, and Participation programs, which I have embraced as my guiding light.
For those who know Kiama, the Veteran H.E.L.P. Centre will open in the former Kiama Ambulance Station on the middle of the tourist strip – 61 Terralong St, Kiama.
When properly up and running, I plan to use my years of experience as a military journalist to full advantage for the centre and for the veterans I hope to attract as participants.
I want to mentor and assist others in writing, photography, web design, social-media management and so on, to give veterans an artistic outlet and a soft-skills boost – which is very much in line with the E and L and P in Soldier On’s H.E.L.P. – all of which contributes to the H.
I will also use my media experience and platforms to attract positive attention to the Centre.
I am a veteran opening this centre for myself and for other veterans, on a build-it-and-they-will-come philosophy.
I know what facilities and activities I’d like to incorporate, but I also want to hear what other veterans want to see happen here too.
This is a blank canvas that, not only am I asking other veterans to tell me what they want in it, but I am literally asking them to help me paint it too.
WHERE WE ARE – accomodation – other things to do in Kiama
