Virus made me a morning person

ADF COVID-19 Response

FILE PHOTO: Australian Army soldier Private Jack Barrie sorts donations at the Foodbank warehouse in Glendenning, NSW, as part of Defence’s Operation COVID-19 Assist. Photo by Corporal Chris Beerens.


G’day Brian,

Thanks for your newsy email [newsletter number 116].

How are you coping with this social isolation?

I’m doing alright with reading, cooking, jigsaw puzzles, exercising at home as well as getting out for a walk on a regular basis.

Being in the great outdoors is good for the mind and body, and having the Botanic Gardens next door to my unit complex is an added bonus.

I attach the following list of all that is good in life, and you are welcome to share it with whoever you choose.

And, I have come up with a couple of bonuses of living on ones own – no arguing; no waiting to use the toilet or bathroom; if I want ice-cream for the evening meal, I can; go to bed when I choose; get out of bed when I feel like it.

Because we never know what’s around the corner, I have become a morning person.

When I was nursing in the Army I was NOT a morning person, so it’s ironic that in my second half of life the tables have turned.

Until next time, take care mate, and sending you and your loved ones (virtual) hugs.



My Cup is Half Full

In these challenging times, if you remember these tips, life will seem alright.

I am alive and breathing
I can walk and talk
I live in Australia
I have a roof over my head and can choose what I eat
I have friends and family who care about me
I can call, text, email or even write a letter when I choose to – (when is the last time you sent or received a personal letter?)
I can look forward to tomorrow, as each day I’m alive is a great day

My cup is half full










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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

One thought on “Virus made me a morning person

  • 06/04/2020 at 12:32 pm

    And hugs right back at you Colleen.
    I am actually loving this lockdown because I have no guilt about self isolating and no one pressuring me to get out and about 😉
    Even though I like the gym and I like coffee-clubbing with other veterans and I like the routine of same, I am so-far loving the time I can now spend doing my own thing, by myself. Obviously, there’s something wrong with me!
    That said, I do hope the world gets back to ‘normal’ pretty damn quick!
    Brian Hartigan
    CONTACT Editor


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