PROJECT APOLLODORUS – The AAFC National Aerospace Competition

Congratulations to the “Fly High Sci Fi” team from No 617 Squadron (Netherby, SA) which has just been announced as winner of the National Aerospace Competition supported by the Royal Australian Air Force.

CAPTIONThe “Fly High Sci Fi” team from 617 Squadron receive their National Aerospace Competition award (left to right): FLGOFF(AAFC) Chris Trewin (Commanding Officer, 617 Squadron), GPCAPT Warren Bishop (Competition Manager), LCDT Stephanie Hudson, CWOFF Ian van Schalkwyk, CCPL James Armfield and WGCDR(AAFC) Patrick Pulis (Officer Commanding, 6 Wing). Image supplied by Air Force.

The team comprised Cadet Warrant Officer Ian van Schalkwyk, Cadet Corporal James Armfield and Leading Cadet Stephanie Hudson.

Project ‘Apollodorus’ is the newly introduced Australian Air Force Cadets STEM program, which provides an opportunity for Cadets to extend their understanding of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

Sixteen teams (of three Air Force Cadets each) participated in the recent National Aerospace Competition, and were judged by a professional academic aerospace review panel.

Each team provided a 1,000 word technical paper on a contemporary problem, provided by the RAAF Plan Jericho Team, comprising topics related to Electronic Warfare and Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance.

The roll-out of the new STEM program training sees the AAFC moving in step with the Fifth Generation Air Force.

The name ‘Apollodorus’ is derived from the Greek, being a noun compounded from the deity ‘Apollo’, meaning ‘the Gift of Apollo’. Apollo was the Greek and Roman god of (among other things) prophecy and enlightenment. The name was also used for the third United States human spaceflight program from 1961 to 1972 that ultimately carried out a successful crewed Moon landing.

The Commanding Officer of No 617 Squadron, Flying Officer (AAFC) Chris Trewin said: “Working on such a complex question, on a group project like this, was an initial struggle but the team, which was led by CCPL Armfield, was able to pull everything together for the submission date”.

“They came up with a proposed solution and investigated the technology required to support their idea, and then presented it”.

FLGOFF(AAFC) Trewin said that the “Fly High Sci Fi” team was judged as the team best able to articulate their solutions.

The Officer Commanding 6 Wing, Wing Commander (AAAFC) Patrick Pulis said, “Congratulations team, awesome work. You’ve made 6 Wing proud”.

Flying Officer (AAFC) Paul Rosenzweig, Aviation Operations Wing Public Affairs & Communication Officer, said “The AAFC STEM program will integrate the vital disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics into cohesive, real-world applications. The program will assist Cadets prepare for emerging careers in the aviation, aerospace Defence sectors”.









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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

One thought on “PROJECT APOLLODORUS – The AAFC National Aerospace Competition

  • 12/07/2019 at 9:17 am

    The Australian Air Force Cadets is an air-minded youth development organisation set in a military and aviation environment, administered and actively supported by the RAAF. Aviation Operations Wing has the aim of delivering flying pathways through gliding and powered flying experiences and training.


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