About those Chinese warships in Sydney


Much was said about three Chinese warships that sailed into Sydney Harbour this week – and most of what was said was that our own government didn’t say anything to forewarn us of the visit.

Some commentators and experts were upset that the government and/or Defence was being secretive about this visit in particular.

In my humble opinion, however, this is just one more (high profile) example of Defence not telling us squat about a lot of things – and not because they are trying to be secretive – but because there would seem to be a lot of people in the very large Defence publicity machine who are either too lazy or too scared to say anything about anything publicly.

On the other hand, I also know that there are a lot of good and hard-working people in the very same Defence PR machine who are frustrated and disenfranchised by their own systems.

Here at CONTACT, I’ve had several approaches from low-level PR people pointing me towards information and stories they believe should be ‘out there’, but have been frustrated by ‘the system’ in letting media outlets know.

I’ve been frustrated for a long time about the lack of information – or the lack of coordination in the various outputs of information coming out or not coming out of Defence.

For example, Defence publishes a lot of very professional photos – but with no stories to go with them.

They publish press releases (but a fraction of the number they used to) with hyperlinks to photos that “will be available” sometime in the future – and it’s usually the next day, if not longer when those relevant photos become available – and sometimes not at that same link that was in the press release. [On this point, I have to say that 99 times out of 100, it is pointless for an editor to have a story on hand without a supporting photo – especially if the photos are delayed overnight (i.e. a different news cycle)]

Then there’s the times – twice it’s happened at CONTACT – where a Defence PR person ‘sells’ us a story and asks that we hold space for it – but when we follow up after the allotted deadline, the attitude is like – “Oh, my spreadsheet only says I had to ask you to hold the space. There’s no tick box that says I have to deliver a story.”

And then there’s the ever-increasing instances of significant opportunity where a press release is never issued at all…

  • like when two new airplanes, each worth around $100million, were delivered to the RAAF last week (and I’ve been told by more than one insider, that silence on this issue is now official policy)
  • like when the Governor General presents new Colours to 5RAR
  • like when several major exercises are held in Shoalwater Bay and only become known to CONTACT when we see a participating-unit’s Facebook post, or we stumble across the photos or a video (all in separate places with no cross referencing)


  • Or, like when a flotilla of Chinese warships sails into Sydney Harbour and ties up at our own Navy’s Fleet Base East, in the same week we accuse them of attacking our helicopters with lasers, and our PM is in a foreign country trying to convince said country not to turn red, and it’s the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square democide – and they (the ships) just happen to be passing by on their way home from the Middle East!



sir_jeffrey_blog_logoAnother comment from resident crankyman Sir Jeffrey Armiger – a retired Public Servant with a pet hate for BE – bovine excrement.
Sir Jeffrey Armiger is dedicated to the eradication of BE.
Follow Sir Jeffrey on Facebook here or view his previous diatribes here.







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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

7 thoughts on “About those Chinese warships in Sydney

  • 06/12/2024 at 8:26 pm

    Interesting how this was the Exact time ”Our Govt” was warned of a certain ”Deadly Virus”. Never mind what they’re loading What’d they Unload!? How on earth was this allowed unless there’s a darker agenda? Most people never even noticed this or remember it now. They all simply lined up for the shot. That worked out really well aye? I often have to remind myself that we’re in Clown World everything is backward, and people hate the truth. Ignorance is bliss as they say. I saw this as a foreboding time coming. Needless to say, I never had the shot or had to fight over TP nor was I locked down in my home. Sometimes you gotta hate being right. People need to understand when these ”strange things” happen they should be wary.

  • 17/06/2019 at 8:50 am

    Great comments, stick it to the haters as well, they need it.

  • 16/06/2019 at 9:31 pm

    Gee M.T sounds like he’s probably got Trump Derangement Syndrome too Brian…..
    Ya know mate, the lousy system is rigged, I would like to say, it’s the termites of the labor
    apparatchik into all forms of Gubment.
    Alas, Leftards lurking in the hallowed Halls of Conservativism, have white Ant’d too….
    The Command Structure of these passive traitors, is to the UN
    and many, hitherto, august organisations such as, The British Gubmnt, the previous
    Demonrat O’bullshit Gubmnt, Bush [both of the bastards] and my favourite,
    Slick Willie…several New Zealand & Canadian Gubments in succession, and, of
    course, about 8 Sold out Australian Gubments starting with old Gough
    The Man who turned the Commonwealth of Australia into
    a lefttard Corporation…..but you know what?…
    As Global Socialism rapidly dissappears up it’s own arse, I say….
    Vive La France [Yellow Shirts – shows the Republic ain’t dead yet]…..
    Two and a half years of Our Saviour, the Magnificent Donald J Trump,
    has unveiled the Deep State [NWO] like a WWII Searchlight got shone up it’s bum,
    I never thought I’d see the day, I would witness so many scumbag NWO Commie rats
    get theirs….but I have lived to see it unfold in 3D HD….
    I am somewhat of a rare breed in the Defence Family [it seems], as I enter my 62nd year,
    I am a lifelong Conservative…..I have learned the hard way,
    [after many years of compromising with Socialists], that, in reality, One is better off dealing with a
    Great White Shark, [no offence to the noble GW’s] than any form of socialist…..
    I would not piss in a leftards mouth, if it’s teeth were on fire…..anyway…..
    why the rant?….
    Censorship is the NWO’s middle name.
    Your’s Aye
    R.J. Fishbourne VD [Scar] [BAR] & Sidecar [RAN Ret]

  • 16/06/2019 at 3:13 pm

    Welcoming the Chinese Naval crews would have been appropriate, in particular by rank & file members of the Defense Forces and their retired defense force personnel.

  • 05/06/2019 at 6:43 pm

    Here’s the thing, maybe they didn’t want to invite you because you bitch and moan, because you are a grumpy old man that reports his opinion instead of facts. You complained previously you weren’t invited to Invictus Games as well. Maybe just maybe its time to face teh truth? This is basically a personal blog for you to complain not a credible news source. Looking at your You Tube, Social Media and articles it’s obvious no one is listening to you anyway.
    PS: your website is not secure either.

    • 05/06/2019 at 7:31 pm

      Thanks for reading so many of my posts and for studying my YouTube channel, Michael. It’s actually flattering to be hated so much that you feel compelled to consume everything I say 😉

      • 17/06/2019 at 1:01 am

        I love it. Well played Sir


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