6 Wing shines at SA’s Australia Day events

For Australia Day this year, Air Force Cadets were on parade or on duty throughout South Australia and Mildura, again demonstrating their commitment to their community.

CAPTIONAir Force Cadets from 622 Squadron at the Murray Bridge Australia Day Ceremony, with Cadet Sergeant Joshua Kirpensteyn from 45 ACU and Young Citizen of the Year nominees (holding certificates) CUO Samuel Mach (left) and CFSGT Walter Harris.

In Adelaide, some 48 Air Force and 20 Army Cadets took part in the annual Australia Day Parade along King William Street.

Most Cadets fulfilled the traditional role of parade group identification – carrying the banner or sign at the head of each community group.

Other Air Force Cadets formed up in two flights and acted as the Escort for the Navy Band–Adelaide at the head of the parade.

Wing Warrant Officer, Warrant Officer (AAFC) Henry Bell said, “The cooperation between AAC and AAFC was commendable”.

The Australia Day Council of South Australia acknowledged the invaluable support, noting that the presence of uniformed Cadets not only brings additional youthfulness to the event but also adds a certain amount of dignity to proceedings.

One of the banner-bearers was Leading Cadet Emma Parkin of No 613 Squadron (RAAF Edinburgh).

Emma said she had been involved in the Australia Day parade as part of the Irish Community, as a dancer for many years, and wanted to continue being a part of the parade now as a Cadet to show she loved and supported her country.

Regionally, Cadets from No 622 Squadron AAFC and 45 Army Cadet Unit supported the Rural City of Murray Bridge by participating in the Australia Day Ceremony at Sturt Reserve.

Young Citizen of the Year nominee CUO Samuel Mach (No 622 Squadron, AAFC) receives his certificate at the Murray Bridge Australia Day Ceremony.
Young Citizen of the Year nominee CUO Samuel Mach (No 622 Squadron, AAFC) receives his certificate at the Murray Bridge Australia Day Ceremony.
Young Citizen of the Year nominee CFSGT Walter Harris (No 622 Squadron, AAFC) receives his certificate at the Murray Bridge Australia Day Ceremony.
Young Citizen of the Year nominee CFSGT Walter Harris (No 622 Squadron, AAFC) receives his certificate at the Murray Bridge Australia Day Ceremony.

Of particular note, Cadet Under Officer Samuel Mach and Cadet Flight Sergeant Walter Harris from 622 Squadron were nominees for the 2017 Young Citizen of the Year Awards for the city.

It was worthy recognition of their contribution to the community just to be nominated.

In Port Pirie, Air Force Cadets from No 614 Squadron joined with fellow Cadets from 414 Army Cadet Unit to provide a Catafalque Party for the Australia Day Flag Raising Ceremony on the Solomontown Beach Foreshore.

Participating in drill and ceremonial activities helps Air Force Cadets learn self-discipline, alertness, balance, body control and teamwork.

These commemorative events also help develop a sense of pride and the feeling of belonging to a community, which can become the basis of their lives and careers.

Pilot Officer (AAFC) Paul Rosenzweig, 6 Wing Public Affairs and Communications Officer, said statistics show that two out of every three Australians spend Australia Day with family or friends.

“Many of our Air Force Cadets are part of that other third,” he said, “because they willingly volunteer to be ‘on duty’ on Australia Day, enhancing their community spirit and contributing to our national identity”.













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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

One thought on “6 Wing shines at SA’s Australia Day events

  • 29/01/2017 at 9:32 am

    The Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC) is a youth oriented organisation which operates in a military and aviation environment. For recruitment enquiries in South Australia pls contact:
    paco.6wg (at) aafc.org.au


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