First batch of heavy trucks delivered

The Australian Defence Force has officially received the first trucks and trailers from two Australian companies as part of project LAND 121 Phase 3B.

CAPTION: Corporal Grant Solomon, of the Land 121 Driver Training Team, shows off a new Rheinmetall MAN truck following the vehicle’s acceptance under LAND 121 Phase 3B at Gallipoli Barracks. Photo by Corporal Max Bree.

Assistant Minister for Defence Michael McCormack congratulated Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles Australia and Haulmark Trailers Australia on the delivery of the vehicles and trailers.

“I am delighted to accept today on behalf of the Australian Government the first 12 trucks from Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles Australia and the delivery of more than 70 trailers from Haulmark,” Mr McCormack said.

“The $3.4 billion project will deliver a range of modern medium and heavy trucks, modules and trailers which will revolutionise the ADF’s tactical logistics capability now and well into the future.”

Phase 3B of the program will replace the Unimog, Mack and SLiner fleets, with approximately 2700 trucks, 3800 modules and 1700 trailers.

“Today’s deliveries are on time, on budget and will provide a significant enhancement to Defence’s logistics capability by offering increased protection, larger payloads and enhanced offroad mobility,” Mr McCormack said.

“Approximately 40 per cent of these trucks will be supplied with enhanced ballistic and blast protection for our deployed soldiers.

“Some trucks will also have an innovative integrated loadhandling system which will enable the operator to remain protected inside the cabin while loading and unloading cargo.

“As part of the Army’s digitisation program, all of the trucks will be fitted to accommodate the ADF’s Battle Management System as well as a suite of military radios.”

Mr McCormack said the local activity involved in this project is contributing to building and sustaining Australian industry capability and creating jobs and growth opportunities.

“There is a wide range and utilisation of Australian capability throughout the course of the project including design, development and manufacturing right through to provision of throughlife support services including maintenance, engineering and supply support.”

Haulmark Trailers Australia is a proven and trusted Australian Defence industry partner, having recently delivered almost 2000 trailers to accompany Defence’s GWagons under LAND 121 3A.

Rheinmetall has engaged a range of local Australian companies to deliver fully integrated truck and module mission systems.

Other Australian companies engaged in the project as subcontractors to Rheinmetall are GH Varley from Newcastle; RPC Technologies and Thales Australia, both from Sydney; Sea Box International from Canberra; and Holmwood Highgate and Penske Commercial Vehicles both from Brisbane.




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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

2 thoughts on “First batch of heavy trucks delivered

  • 08/04/2016 at 10:08 am

    Wow, this photo in the article is breathtaking, who is that strapping young chap in uniform?

    • 08/04/2016 at 1:19 pm

      Do I detect some bias in your question 🙂


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