Cav porn – a yippee shoot from hell

Australian Army soldier Lance Corporal Blake Simington loads a belt fed 50 calibre heavy machine gun on an Australian Light Armoured Vehicle onboard HMAS Canberra's flight deck, during Exercise Sea Raider.Not to be out done by 1st Brigade’s tank porn we posted on Monday, 2 Cav Regiment conducted their own ‘cav-porn’ activity on Sunday, with a live-fire shoot from the flight deck of HMAS Canberra.



Photos by Corporal David Cotton  

The activity was conducted as part of the Sea Series – designed to enable Australia’s newest military capability, the Amphibious Ready Element (ARE), to achieve an interim operational capability.

Sea Series 2015The Townsville-based 2nd Battalion Royal Australian Regiment (2RAR) from the 3rd Combat Brigade, with MRH-90 helicopters from the 5th Aviation Regiment and Navy’s 808 Squadron, are aboard HMAS Canberra to focus on the planning, conduct and certification of amphibious operations.


We can only imagine the sight, sound – and smell – of this awesome activity!!! Wish we were there!










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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

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